What was the Purpose of Stonehenge Over The Centuries?

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Stonehenge is the most famous Neolithic monument in the world that is located in Wiltshire’s Salisbury plain, England. There has been increasing curiosity on why Stonehenge was built. There are a few reasons why Stonehenge was built. 

What is the use of Stonehenge?

In the past years, archeologists and academics alike have tried to explain the reason behind building Stonehenge. You will enjoy visiting this historic monument and with prior knowledge about it, you are sure to be amused by this magnificent monument. You can easily book your tickets now on the stonehengevisit.co.uk for an amazing experience. 

There is a number of theories put forward but in this article, you will read about one that is commonly accepted:

It was built as a burial site: 

One of the theories proposes that it was used as a burial site and made a monument for the dead ones in the later Neolithic period. Or at least during the starting two phases of the construction from three thousand BC to the time it was erected in 2,500 BC. 

The charred remains were excavated in gaps surrounding the site, named the Audrey Holes that hold small standing stones once. The suggestions by analyzing bones show that they were buried around these five hundred years. The people after 2,500 BC started burying the remains of humans in ditches around the periphery instead of the stone circle. 

By doing research on the remains of the ones buried at the site, it is said that the bodies were bought from far and wide places just to be buried in Stonehenge, some of them appeared to come from 120 mile away in Wales. The carbon dating of the remains suggests that they were cremated off-site. 

To support this theory the evidence is dotted around the landscape of the monument. Within 2 miles of this place, Stonehenge has hundreds of burial mounds or tumuli from the bronze age. 

Stonehenge is also a calendar of astronomy:

The next theory refers to the celestial influence and alignment of Stonehenge with the sun, stars and moon, the ancient scientific observatory that connects the sky and earth. The researchers have done their research on bluestone at Stonehenge and say that the stones were placed carefully based on the old astronomical knowledge. 

The team also studied several other formations of stone across the United Kingdom and have the final results as Stonehenge was built to track the movement of the moon, stars, and sun about a thousand years ago. Stonehenge famously aligns with the longest and shortest daylight time. 

Stonehenge was a place for healing:

The theory was forwarded by two well known experts from Britain Geoff Wainwright and Timothy Darvill, according to them the monument was a site of healing and pilgrimage. 

According to the school of thought the small bluestone in the centre of the circle is the key to the theory and the main purpose of Stonehenge. The blue stone was bought from 180 miles away from a mountain in the south through primitive technology. 

The site has served in a number of different ways over the time, and there is no one reason that stands out more valid than the other. 

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