The largest zoos in the world

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Here’s something to keep kids and adults entertained during the grueling lockdown! Though wildlife centers around the world are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, these zoos have live zoo cameras   featuring adorable animals to get you and your kids through quarantine! So if you’re in the mood for fun elephant sightings and penguin feeding segments, read on. 

Melbourne Zoo 

Australia is best known for its exotic animals and boasts some of the best wildlife centers in the world, including Melbourne Zoo. You and your children can still catch a glimpse of some of Melbourne Zoo’s wild creatures through Zoo Victoria’s Animal House. , including snow leopards, giraffes, lions and zebras only on live TV.

Smithsonian’s National Zoo

Tabi cam streams 24-hour webcams featuring animals like lions, elephants and naked mole-rats! If your kids have never seen a wolf up close, this is their chance! The International Wolf Center offers a 24-hour live television service from its facilities to allow visitors from around the world to learn more about wolves. Visit their website and meet the pack! 

San Diego Zoo 

The San Diego Zoo has created a page on its website so you and your kids can learn about wildlife right from your sofa during lockdown.

What’s more? Zoo keepers schedule Facebook Live to keep you busy. A few days ago a koala bear named Omeo was orphaned and believe us, your kids would love to meet him! 

Monterey Bay Aquarium 

Catch sea otters, penguins and sharks in never-before-seen footage at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. In addition to these fascinating animals, they also have aviary cameras, coral reef cameras, a kelp forest camera, a jellyfish camera, a Monterey Bay beach camera and an offshore camera!

Park Tembe Elephant Reserve, South Africa

Tembe Elephant The reserve boasts one of the best elephant enclosures in the world and is home to a number the largest elephants in Africa.

To learn more about the daily routine of these gentle giants, watch Tabi cam  24-hour live stream, which captures elephants drinking, bathing and interacting with other animals throughout the reserve.

Georgia Aquarium 

Wouldn’t it be nice to take part in an underwater exploration? Luckily, at the Georgia Aquarium, you can experience just that in your living room. and the soothing feel of the beluga whale, to name a few. You can even click through the Indo-Pacific Barrier Reef webcam and watch virtual sea creatures with your friends! the public, the staff have allowed their penguins to roam the grounds and let’s just say the rockhopper penguins had the most adorable reactions!

To keep up with the rest of these penguins’ adventures, follow their Instagram page for daily updates on Wellington and his new friends!

Houston Zoo

From leafcutter ants to giraffes, the Houston Zoo has educational entertainment for your kids and for you! their webcams to see live animals like elephants and rhinos. And do you know the best? You can even control the camera views to zoom in on the details you want to focus on.

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