Best Tips for Training for Recreational Freediving 2021

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You need to prepare yourself both physically and mentally through exercises before going for a freediving course. You need exercises on stretching, breath-holding, and optional breathing, along with a diet plan and mental preparation.

This guide will prepare you to breathe correctly before hitting the water. Many freedivers practice pre-competition training at the gym or their own home for less access to water.

Different tips for both in and out of water training are-

  1. Dry training –

This training is done out of the water, which is safer than training in waters. If you practice breath-holding while walking /standing, then ensure that someone is there to assist. Holding your breath should be done while lying down on the sofa or on a bed.

  1. General fitness training-

You’ll find freediving for long periods easier if you are physically fit and once your issues are addressed regarding relaxation, equalization, etc. General fitness can be improved by performing fitness training at the gym or through sports. Performing strength training, cardio while holding breath helps your body to adapt to anaerobic respiration

  1. Stretching and yoga – 

Yoga is beneficial in freediving as it includes flowing movement series and posture stretches. It increases body flexibility, strength, and awareness. Some subsection of yoga helps to hold breath like Pranayam.

  1. Concentrated Meditation-

Mindfulness plus breathing will help you to achieve a concentrated mind and get relaxation. It helps you be friendly with all living creatures, and Vipassana meditation training helps you become wise and recover from depressing mind states. Anapanasati meditation helps to get a quality of life and gain spiritual wisdom.

  1. Co2 and O2 training tables –

These training tables help your body adjust the higher carbon dioxide levels and lower oxygen levels by holding your breath for 8times. O2 table increases the length of breath-hold, but recovery time remains the same. CO2 table diminishes the recovery time between each hold while the length of your breath hold remains the same. Set CO2 table around 60% and O2 table around 85% of your maximum breath holding time. One Tablet a day is enough, and don’t go for maximum breath hold on one day.

  1. Ancestral Tibetan Gym Exercises-

Tibetan techniques in yoga and stretching will help you practice the right yoga postures and fitness routines that will allow you to stay on and under the water for a long time. It will help you to go the extra mile while freediving.

  1. Mental Training- 

Creative visualization while diving is necessary. Performing progressive muscle relaxation is good for you. While visualizing dive think yourself to be at the center of visualization and be relaxed. Freediving is 90% mental preparation.

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